Connecting with Nature

My poet-tree here is one of several I constructed at The Learning Connexion. The idea began on my morning walks … constructing seminaria poems in my head and seeing its diamond shape mirrored in the beauty of nature around me. Leaf skeletons underfoot suddenly leapt to my attention. I collected them as though they were gold! That led to learning the process for screen printing them and with a combined mixed media approach to the poet-tree leaves, writing seminaria about the tiny creatures I discovered in the so-called dead and discarded broom branch. The tree has become a satisfying way to display the final poems that people write at the end of a seminaria workshop – an appreciative, sharing response with the feeling that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’.
Please feel free to add your own out-in-nature discoveries, poems and images on the Creative Seminaria homepage here.